Saturday, April 13, 2013

Products Review

Nak review some of products yang digunakan during and post pregnancy

1. Kordel's supplement for women (multi vitamin)

2. Palmer's cocoa butter formula
I constantly used this for my 2nd pregnancy, no appearance of stretch marks at all.

3. Earth Mana Bottom Spray
Kadang-kadang masa pregnant ada rasa sore at mommy's bottom so boleh spart this after urinate. Or for normal use after sexual intercourse.

4. Mothercare perineal gel
Yang ni I nak highlight lebih sikit ;p
Masa pregnant with Amir, tak tau lagi pasal ni. Bila ingat balik kena epi dan jahit, then Amir warded sbb jaundice menyebabkan mommy terpaksa berjalan banyak, setiap kali berjalan akan caused swollen and it took a month for the stiches to heal.

So I declare epi is scary! Huhu

2nd pregnancy i tried perineal gel, alhamdulillah no tear. Tapi dalam labor room i kept reminding Prof not to 'cut' me hehehe but still ada kemungkinan unt tear sendiri, kata Prof pulak mengingatkan I hehe

5. Sebamed diaper cream
This cream works wonder for my both babies. Bila notice ada melecet, merah-merah terus letak, the next day dah kurang.

6. Mothercare liquid talc
Sama ja function macam powder talc but I love it simply because bau wangi nya than lama and xperlu kepuh-kepuhkan muk. Sebab liquid so akan di absorb oleh akin.

7. Shaklee breastfeeding set - ESP and alfafa
I believe consuming these really help my milk production. Compare to masa Amir dulu especially masa newborn, susu lebih banyak dan cepat di produce and pekat.

Other than these, kalau nak banyakkan ill i minum milkmaid tea brand Earth Mama and horlicks. Horlicks paling best dah tidak sabar untuk minum ;p

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1 comment:

  1. hi babe.the perineal gel tu mmg jadi eh?haa i pon seram tu kena stitch..i kena stitch 2x tau!
