Friday, April 16, 2010

Antenatal Check Up

Ok now you know that you're pregnant. I think nowadays women akan buat home pregnancy test, since it is simple and easy. Like my experience, I did the test at home too. Then soalan yang datang menerpa ialah; Ok, saya dah pregnant so bila saya boleh start check dengan Dr? Takpe ke awal sangat ni, baru few days from period due. Kang Dr kata beriye minah ni..

I think it depends on your preference, tapi sebenarnya we don't have to rush untuk pergi check kat klinik especially yang check beberapa hari lepas period due, sebab pada masa tu kandungan kita pun baru 2-3 minggu which basically kalau scan pun most likely we're not going to see anything. If pergi klinik maybe Dr akan buat the same test like you can did at home unless dah 1 month mungkin boleh cuba scan and see. Masa I jumpa Dr during 4th weeks, we can't even see the so-called baby yet. But you probably can see the amniotic sac. So not much Dr can monitor other than to double confirm that you are really pregnant.
So Dr will advise datang about 2 weeks lagi then only we can see the heart beat and from there we will know the baby's condition. Around 6 weeks you will see something like a pea jek.. hehe

6 Weeks

There are some people they meet their gynae during month two, it's still fine. Time ni pun baru nampak heart so Dr can monitor the heart beat and during 9 weeks your baby dah form cuma jari sume takde lagi la. Touching sangat tengok heart baby kelip-kelip - actually beat dia tu hehe

9 weeks

Macam gamba katun pun ade hik hik

Another question especially for the first time mummy to be; nak pergi klinik mane? wajib dah ade gynae ke masa ni?
Based on my own experince and from few consultations with different Dr, ini pun atas percaturan kita sendiri which mean.. you boleh pergi mana-mana klinik yang boleh provide antenatal check up Or you can already select your gynae and start your regular check up with him/her. The benefit your record and pregnancy history ada pada Dr yang sama, especially yang ada complication.
Fact is, walaupun you start with Dr A for your antenatal check up, the Dr can always provide you a report in case you nak transfer to another Dr. That can be done so jangan risau..
The concern here, maybe cost. Kalau pergi check up dengan gynae, I would say the rate is a bit higher compared to check up dengan Dr from clinic biasa. If you really have money is allocated for that, by all means.. Based on my survey kalau rate untuk gynae from private hospital, consultation - Rm60-80 and scan - RM40-60 > every visit may cost you more or less RM100. Belum dicampur kalau Dr provide you supplement.

And scan dekat klinik biase selalunya RM30-40, and consultation should be less that RM50. And again, it depends at your convenient and preference.. Do you wanna buy shirt at Topshop or Potshop. Yeah, you can definitely answer that right.. =)

Jangan lupa lagi satu option, check up di klinik kesihatan kerajaan. I heard diorang ada jugak buat ultrasound scan tapi bukan setiap kali visit la.. But they probably buat scan untuk check heart beat baby using Fetal Doppler, a simpler device. Supplement semua free.. yeah, undilah kerajaan! =)

Which mean you can do your antenatal check-up dekat klinik biasa or kerajaan then deliver di private Or check up di hosp private A and deliver at hosp private B. Boleh, xde masalah..
Advisable bila kandungan dah mencecah 7-8 bulan start check up with your selected gynae. So kalau ada apa2 masalah can be detected and handled before hand.
So for those yang belum finalysed nak deliver kat mana, it's fine untuk do your check up at any clinic pun.

At least you can save some during early check up kan dan masukkan dalam tabung ayam anda atau PTPTN... huhu

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