Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Aftermath: My Blessing No 3

Nearly a week ago, I was 7-8 weeks pregnant. It was relatively an easy pregnancy for me, no sickness and I enjoyed All-you-can-eat moment. And then, I had a miscarriage.

Last Thursday, Prof Hashim has confirmed that the sac has collapsed. For such case, there are a few possible workarounds includes medical management or a brief surgery known as D&C.

Prof sempat tanya kalau I ada makan since last night, malangnya (atau tidak malang sebenarnya) baru je lepas lunch masa otw ke hospital. Prof kata, kalau x makan lagi boleh buat D&C harini. Before D&C procedure nak kena puasa semalaman. Memandangkan condition saya masih okay, Prof suggest untuk naturally remove the sac/baby. So I was prescribed with Misoprostol to be orally taken within 5 days. Tapi risau jugak selepas ambil ubat kalau-kalau masih perlu buat D&C <insert icon pejam mata kuat-kuat here>

Day 1: Nervous jugak nak ambil ubat ni. Entah macamana sakit la nanti lepas makan. When I asked 'Macam period pain ke Prof?'. He replied 'Slightly more'
Day 1 seems fine, bleeding masih normal. Cuma badan mula rasa sakit2 macam nak demam.

Day 2: Masih lagi bleeding yang normal pada awal paginya. Tapi badan makin aching, rasanya selepas bersalin pun tak rasa macam ni. I called kakak tukang urut, mujur dia dapat datang hari yang sama. Lepas urut badan rasa segar sikit and bleeding makin banyak. Lepas urut, I continue with tuam perut. I think that really helps, lebih lancar proses pengeluaran darah tersebut, I guess.

Day 3: Okay. Harini badan rasa sangat tak sihat. Tak tahu lah nak describe macamana, rasa nak demam pun ada. Lebih banyak bleeding and start keluar ketulan. That was a good sign. Tapi setiap kali nak keluar tu, perut bukan main cramp. At times rasa macam contraction. Tuam lagi. Dan kemudian duduk dalam toilet cuba teran. That helps as well. Masa teran barulah ketulan2 keluar. The whole day memang rasa tak sihat.

Day 4: Alhamdulillah I felt much better. Bleeding masih banyak tapi kurang pekat. Body was no longer aching. Masih teruskan tuam perut. Until one time I went to poo-poo, a big 'thing' came out and lepas tu betul2 lega. It was a relief and sad at the same time.

Day 5: Today. Pesan Prof, dah hari ke-5 pergi emergency scan untuk tengok kalau masih ada yang tertinggal.
Awal pagi tadi kami ke O&G Emergency HUKM. There are a few assessment yang diorang akan buat untuk pastikan it's a complete miscarriage.

1. Speculum test (excuse my term) untuk tengok kalau masih ada active bleeding.
2. Ultrasound scan to see the womb condition to see if any remnants of the pregnancy remain in the uterus.
3. Dan kalau ultrasound scan is unable to show clearer view, doctor will perform transvaginal scan.

For my case, there was no active bleeding, rahim dah tertutup/bercantum - it shows a straight line indicates no more sac in there. Bila buat VE, jalan di pangkal cervix pun dah tutup. Rupanya, 'jalan' terbuka semasa keguguran. 

I also had a complete miscarriage, which meant that I didn’t have to schedule a D&C. There were no baby bits left behind that needed scraping out.


While staring at the ultrasound of my empty uterus was sad and frustrating, my pregnancy has ended, no more babymoon - it also meant that my body was that much closer to “back to normal" and we're ready to Rock&Roll and keep trying! 

Bertenang.. Bertenang... Mommy ni penyabar orangnya ;p

I just hope I can quickly recover physically and emotionally.

3 comments on "Aftermath: My Blessing No 3"

Unknown on October 14, 2014 at 8:29 PM said...

u are such a calm mummy going through this..

i baca pon rasa sesak dada tahan air mata coz i know deep inside u mesti sedih sgt kan..no woman wants to experience this..

get rest well..n thanks for updating this blog of urs..

i miss u...n babe, i dah nak convo my master...thanks for ur inspiration in a way..

AdamSofiya :) on October 15, 2014 at 6:32 PM said...

nampak mcm prosesnye lagi scary dr beranak...ape2 pon..take care and selamat berpantang...:)

QueenBz on October 15, 2014 at 8:52 PM said...

Tabah babe! Ada hikmah semua yg berlaku. Baby tunggu u kat sana. Be strong and speedy recover!

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