Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Pregnancy Symptoms

Week 1 – Week 3

Of course masa ni saya belum tau lagi yang dah conceived. 2 weeks before my last menstrual cycle overdue, ada symptom like cepat lapar and gassy. I really have to eat frequent. Selang 2-3 jam dah lapa. I’m not so sure if these are the ‘official symptom’ for pregnancy since masa ni there’s no baby or even an embryo in sight (at least not yet).

Tapi at this time our body basically is working hard to gear up for the event that paves the way for the baby: the big O — ovulation. Since my menstrual cycle is always on time every month, so senang la nak kira the most fertilized day and nak agak if the period is around the corner. Maka apabila sudah 1 hari lambat, dengan confident nya saya buat pregnancy test.. ;)

Anyhow, masa ni I encountered PMS-like symptoms (breast tenderness, bloating, mood swings). And it made me felt is my period coming? Oh, no. Basically these three weeks more to ovulation, then you conceive cuma dari segi perkiraan perubatannya, akan bermula dari your first day last menstrual cycle. Kalau la kebetulan masa first day period you belum lagi dinikahkan, haru jugak memikirkan camana boleh berlaku ;p just stick to how they calculate your estimated due date – from your first day last menstrual cycle.

Week 4 – Week 13

At week 4, my baby is no bigger than a poppy seed. Time ni I dah pi visit Dr nak confirmkan pregnancy. I read a lot about ‘false pregnancy’ and sangat risau pada masa tu. The first trimester memang perlu sangat berjaga-jaga. Once u got to know that you are pregnant, u have to really take care of yourself and your food intake – Ooopss sorry.. according to What to expect when you’re expecting book; kita actually dah kena jaga ourself, food intake as in we dah already pregnant even before conceive. Because your body needs to be healthy enough even before the sperms meet eggs. So nak kawen lagi 2 bulan? Ha dah boleh start jaga kesihatan from now =)

Ok back to the symptom, after week 4 sahaja… Maka bermulalah perjalanan yang agak mencabar sebagai ibu mengandung. Kalau mula-mula tengah hari baru start pening and rasa nak muntah, now belum bangun lagi dah rasa sickness nya. During these weeks, banyak kene ambil off day. And ada lagi symptoms lain like:

· Frequent urination – kalau malam2 lagi la nyah.. macam dah kene start bangun buat susu.. setiap jam bangun nak buang air kecil.

· Fatigue – naik tangga sampai tingkat 1 pun mengah tak hingat. Siap kene jaga pernafasan macam tengah marathon.

· Breast tenderness and changes – blame the hormone!

· Nausea – Symptom wajib setiap hari.

· Bloating – Kalau dok kat umah tu, xde keje lain.. Mengeluarkan angin melalui organ mulut. Kadang2 kat luar pun terlepas jugak ;p Susah dey nak cover, bukan boleh plan bila dia nak keluar.

· Increased sense of smell – Aduish ni yang tak boleh tahan.. anjing polis pun kalah kot. Tapi nasib baik bau Ami, I tak allergy.

· Occasional faintness or dizziness – Ah kalau time ‘weng’ ni tidur je ubatnya..

Food craving takde pulak.. Cuma masa ni selera berkurang and terpaksa memilih food, kontra sungguh dengan perangai kebiasaan.. batu je aku tak bedal.

Based on my reading, those symptoms last until end of your first trimester (up to week 13) sebab masa ni placenta tengah under construction so segala hormone changes, your energy goes into building a life-support system for your baby. Sebab tu la author buku ni cakap, apa yang terbaik untuk baby tak semestinya baik untuk mummy =)

And the percentage to miscarriage for those who suffer from sickness is LOWER. Apa yang lebih pentingkan? So tahan je la..

Week 14 – Week 16

Hey, I’m in my 2nd trimester! Orang kata time ni habis la segala sickness tu. Tapi banyak jugak I dengar sampai 5-7 bulan pun ada lagi sickness, even worse ada yang sampai 9 months!

Alhamdulillah masuk je minggu ke-14, I feel healthier than ever. Lama stop cook for dinner, sekarang boleh masak balik. Kadang je penat, long as tak pening-pening at least keje kat ofis pun tak terganggu. So sekarang sickness pun dah decreasing, is just that your belly is increasingly growing bigger =) Selera pun dah ok, boleh la habiskan nasi sepinggan. Kalau tak nasi setengah pun tak habis.

Baby pun dah formed, start from week 9 dah formed tapi sekarang dah ada jari, mungkin dah tumbuh rambut. And paling best, week 16 nanti telinga dia dah fully developed. So the baby can probably hear your voice as you talk to your partner and pals and sing in the car [jangan tutup telinga pulak dengar emak ko nyanyi apatah lagi ayah yang menyanyi]

Sebab tu la baby bila keluar nanti easily recognize suara yang dia dah biasa dengar masa dalam kandungan. Ehem.. mestilah suara emak membebel yang banyak register dalam brain dia kan. Sorry ye ayah, lagi2 si ayah memang malas nak bercakap ;p

Walaupun sickness dah habis, tp kene jaga-jaga mouth health. Pregnancy hormones can somehow cause gum inflammation like bleeding gums. Buku kata kene pegi jumpa dentist masa awal pregnant or sebelum (when you plan to). Tapi saya tak suka dentist!

Sekarang kami berdebar-debar menunggu… is it blue or pink?

Asyik menangkup je budak kecik tu, yet to see. =)

7 comments on "My Pregnancy Symptoms"

Anonymous said...

A very very good info. especially the part where u should already start to eat healthy even month before u get married. :)

♥EeiNz♥ on April 15, 2010 at 12:22 AM said...

akk mgu ke 16 skangnih. tp still ngan mabok nye lagi..huhuhu

Nur on April 15, 2010 at 1:24 AM said...

zara: my intention to share.. before pregnant tak aware that is so important..

kak eein: hujung minggu ni pun masuk 16w, alhamdulillah mabuk dah hilang.. adakah due kite same? hehee

Dira Isa on April 15, 2010 at 6:02 AM said...


sbb die pemalu mcm aunty rara

Nur on April 15, 2010 at 6:18 PM said...

dr tipu... haritu kate boy.. hahaha

Dira Isa on April 15, 2010 at 6:37 PM said...

alaaa..ade talian nyawa kan?
heheheh~ bleh tukar lg 2 kali.

mummy baby ckp baby ni pmalu.
haaa~ mcm girl kan?
(gaya nujum professional)

♥EeiNz♥ on April 18, 2010 at 6:55 PM said...

akk due 24/9. Dayah bile ?

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