Sunday, January 30, 2011

My rainbow



Monday, January 24, 2011

Dinner treat for husband from husband

Celebrate husband's new job

And of course you're always my big boss!

As each new gate opens and new pathways unfold
May you find the best of all things
that a lifetime can hold


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Solid food for 4 months baby

Big issue jugak pasal nak feed baby solid food before 6 months ni. As mentioned in previous entry, some practitioners recommend that an infant not be started on solid foods until after 6 months of age. The main concern is, digestive system baby still immature, dikuathiri food tak boleh nak properly processed and can cause stomach upset or discomfort. So, ramai jugak yang mungkin tak prefer feed baby too early. BUT what you don’t know is that baby can take cereal as early as 3-4 months. There’s cereal it’s made for baby that young. In fact to some extend it’s even finer than some of the baby formula.

Pernah sekali one of my friend told me pasal start feeding food to a baby which younger than 6 months, I skeptic jugak. Bila my babysitter kata nak try feed Amir with solid food sebab susah nak tidur and cranky (maybe sebab lapar), I berat hati jugak. Risau kalau ada apa-apa masalah nanti. I initially thought, Amir kurang minum susu due to he rejected bottlefeed sebab tulah dia lapar. Until one day, I yang jaga dia.. dia memang susah nak tidur and asyik ‘bergayut’. Bila petang, breastfeed pun dia reject! Aduss. Then I terus try feed him, true enough, terus senyap.

For me, tengoklah keadaan your baby macam mane. If minum susu saja baby still ok takde sign of hunger, proceed with milk sahajalah until 6 months. Because that’s the best. But there are situations, mungkin ada yang perlu feed their babies slightly early. In my case, memang penat sangat nak deal with a situation Amir tak tidur lena, then dia penat and cranky mungkin susu tak cukup – inikan I nak let my babysitter to encounter such situation. According to my sister in law, ada solid food for 4 months. Yup, we found it tapi dekat Cold Storage je kebanyakkannya ada.

Most of solid foods for 4 mos ni in jar, like Heinz with many varieties available; carrots, peas, bananas etc. Do check the label, make sure it’s for 4 mos. Yang macam ni sesuai kalau nak bawa bila pergi jalan-jalan. Sebab tu dah ready untuk dimakan, tak perlu bancuh. Previously Heinz ni ada dalam paket but now memang susah nak jumpa.

The other one which Amir is currently consumed is Rafferty’s garden product. Yang ini packaging lebih besar dalam pack rather than a small jar. It’s organics product with extra iron. Cold storage ada jual and I just got to know from other blog that kat ToysRus pun ada jual.

if nak tau details on the nutrition , go and check the website. I tertawan hati tengok packaging dia is super cute hihihi

The first few tries, Amir spitted out some and I have to prepare wash clothes, kejap2 nak kena lap mulut.. hidung.. dahi.. ;p Now, Amir dah pandai telan nampak gayanya, siap kalau terlambat feed dia sudah keluar-keluar lidah daaaa..

I’m sure some mothers will disagree to feed their babies earlier than 6 mos. It’s really up to you. So far Amir takde show any sign of stomach discomfort, even better his bowel movement becomes more efficient. Hari-hari mau buang! I remember before makan solid food, 3-4 hari sekali baru dia membuang. Tapi ….. bila dah makan ni, silalah tahan nafas bila ‘cebok’ kan baby. Sebab baunya makin menangkap!!

p/s: if you're still worried to feed your baby boleh cuba mix kan 1 scoop of solid food with breastmilk / formula. So it becomes thicker than just milk.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Potluck & Ita’s birthday bash

Last weekend, my besties and I gathered at Yien’s place. It’s been ages since tak gather-gather like this. Memandangkan nak cukupkan korum nowadays memang susah, maka terus lah men-surprise-party kan untuk January baby which is Zentegel. Terkejut ko nyah!! Kata surprise. Memang surprise habislah sebab birthday dia next week ;p

Birthday girl.. alololo ;p

The food, of course..

The eaters!!

The mommy monster.

Sebab Amir tak boleh makan lagi, makan tangan sendiri dulu ye..

The nanny ??? hehe

Amir & Humaira & The chocolate cake


Mane mommy ni, gua dah tukar baju pun tak habis gosip lagi..

Thanks Yien for hosting the party :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The apple of my eye

Amir turns 4 mos!

You're my Honeybunch, Sugarplum
Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, You're my Sweetie Pie
You're my Cuppycake, Gumdrop
Snoogums-Boogums, You're the Apple of my Eye
And I love you so and I want you to know
That I'll always be right here
And I love to sing sweet songs to you
Because you are so dear

Setiap kali nak beralih bulan, ade je peel dibuatnya. Bila nak masuk 3 bulan, he suddenly refused bottlefeed. Entah kenapa, masih lagi tanda tanya. Padahal before emak die nak masuk kerja haritu, bukan main dah practice minum botol dengan jayanya. Lepas tu dah boleh differentiate teat and nipple. Sekarang he's picking up with bottlefeed after his mother keeps changing / trying one teat to another. MAM silk teat is helpful for Amir's case. Tapi, there are times memang dia reject habis therefore babysitter kena feed him using syringe!

Due to that matter, Amir akan cepat lapar. Minum tak seberapa. That was when my babysitter suggest to start feed him solid food. At least, dia akan kenyang and tidak cranky. Yup, it's quite early, kalau ikut kata hospital 6 mos baru bagi. Kalau nurse or doc kat klinik kerajaan tau pun diorang akan marah. Tapi, in market memang dah ada solid food for 4 months, like heinze etc. Sesungguhnya hanya ibubapa la yang faham karenah anak masing2 kan. So we just get started.

True enough, Amir more relax sebab tak depend on milk sahaja. Bowel movement dia pun ok, takde masalah (in fact more often that usual), and based on some reading and getting opinion from different parents so I'm certain that Amir is ready to consume solid food. Senang hati bila dia tak cranky sebab lapar, tak la menyusahkan babysitter. That's my main concern.

Amir dah boleh senyum and ketawa bila diagah since 3 mos. TAPI.. most of the times mukanya macam ni aje..

Mama Tok dia kate 'serious boy'. Serius tak tipu! So janganlah kecil hati kalau agah Amir sampai 10 minit tapi senyum pun tidak.

Bila mood dia over-OK barulah boleh tengok rupa yang sebegini..

MELTED. Tu yang Amir malas senyum lebih2 especially to a girl.. ;p

Bila dia rajin berborak, berborak la dia tanpa henti sampai babysitter give up. Dah pandai merengek nak suruh angkat. Yang lagi sweet, Amir dah recognize emak dia. Kalau orang lain dukung, emak dia lalu-lalang. Terusla merengek sambil pandang-pandang macam ada hutang. Memang sweet... tapi kadang-kadang sakit jugak pinggang si emak dah asyik berdukung je.

Badan Amir pun dah tegap, so I bought for him the sit-up cosy, boleh amir duduk rather than asyik lying down. I noticed lama sikit boleh tinggalkan Amir sorang2, maybe lagi wider view kalau dalam position duduk tu. So lama lah sikit leka dari tengok ceiling aje.

Another progress is, emak Amir suka gile tengok Pocoyo. Comel dowh menatang Pocoyo ni!!!!

ala-ala comelnye pocoyo! Cerita dia pun menarik, background putih so senang la kot for young kids nak focus on the main objects. Narrator pun bagus, parents can learn from this series too.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Menang Contest Loncat-loncat!

Mode : Teruja!!

Gambar meloncat laki-bini berjaya menakluki hati juri2 profesional contest Feelfreetofly. Yang bestnya lagi, i got to know this contest from Gerek itu Alia, which my senior masa secondary school, she won too!

Rasa terpanggil nak join the contest sebab, I have a number of interesting gambar melompat masa lepak2 di tepian Pantai Cenang, Langkawi.

Some of the photos taken:

Oh, degil ye tak mau belikan LV. Nah, amek nih!

Sape suruh bergaduh di atas, kan 2-2 dah kene..

The finale, lompat katak beramai-ramai

Tapi yang paling diri sendiri suka ialah..... Mestilah gambar yang menang tu ;p

Thanks a bunch to the organiser and juries! Nak tengok keputusan penuh, click sini yer..

Sunday, January 9, 2011

2010 Highlights

January 2010
Masa dah dekat nak kahwin, I decided nak switch job. Nearly 5 years in industry (is not long tho’), tapi bila dah nak kahwin tu and we plan to have kid soon, so I prefer a job yang flexible and not demanding. Job saya pada masa itu menjadikan saya hampir kurus-kering before kahwin ;p

So, from a manager to a lecturer. Quiet a tough decision; money or time?

Mid Jan:
Yeay, I’m pregnant!

And our honeymoon trips to Langkawi and Bali – syiiioookkk nyeeee. Bila boleh repeat such trips lagi..

Feb - Mac 2010

Tahun 2010 merupakan tahun di mana kereta saya dilanggar dengan banyak kali-nye! 3 minggu berturut-turut! Stressed gile!

Birthday kami this year, takde surprise party or whatsoever. Hadiah pun takde. Thanks to Kak Taty & Bang Ngah yang celebrate birthday kami at Subak.
Our mind masa tu focus on my pregnancy and the baby. Not so excited nak buat benda lain.

May 2010
Tahun 2010 juga merupakan tahun Tok Janggut (ayahanda) mendapat cucu paling ramai. 3 orang. Bermula pada bulan May, my younger brother dapat baby girl - Nor Damia Amani.

Jun 2010
Dapat lagi seorang baby dari arwah Bang Lang, baby girl lagi! Tapi first baby girl in his family :) Kasih Nur Iris

July 2010
One of bestfriend menamatkan zaman bujang – Yien. The best part was, I went to her wedding kat Kelantan dengan bff masa belajar dulu – All the single ladies okeh! Best gile trip itu. Terima kasih pada Ami kerana memberi keizinan (ataupun dia lagi suka tinggal rumah daripada dengar kami menjerit-jerit, ketawa mengilai macam budak tak habis degree lagi?) ;p

Siapa kata family saya je yang dapat 3 cucu tahun ni, family Ami pun dapat 3 cucu jugak! Aysha Sofia was born in June, daughter to my sis-in-law.

And of course a son to my bestfriend, Sari Yanti.

Aug 2010
Twice admitted to hospital due to Threatened Preterm Labor (TPL). Amir ni macam dah excited sangat je nak keluar padahal too early lagi. Tapi pengalaman mendengar jeritan ibu nak melahirkan dan tangisan ibu yang kehilangan.. Sedihnye. Harap2 mak dah maafkan salah silap saya.

September 2010
Bulan yang paling banyak kisah suka-duka. Sakit. Perit.

Amir was born. Walaupun sebelum nak melahirkan Amir tu, dramatic sungguh ceritanya. Tapi tak banyak masalah dan tak sakit lama. Syukur.


Yang peritnya, sehari selepas melahirkan Amir.. Bang Lang meninggal dunia. Yup, abang saya yang botak-botak tu.. yang saya dok lepak dengan dia dari masa single sampai le aku dah kahwin pun sibuk lagi ajak lepak sampai ke malam. Abang yang masa saya kecil-kecil dulu saya cukup tak suka sebab asyik nak marah orang je padahal memang adik dia perangai tak semenggah ;p

Masih lagi rasa betul ke dia dah takde.

October to end of 2010
It’s all about Amir now. Jaga Amir, fund Amir, education Amir.

The finale of kelahiran cucu (belah Ami) : A baby girl (again!) from Kaklong.

And my career development, started working on proposal to pursue my Ph.D.

Best wishes to husband as he begins his new job (I can’t wait ur bonus time ;p ).

p/s: Lawak paling annoying 2010 – bila nak dapat no 2? I’m laughing too much to kill u.

Saya menaruh harapan tinggi nak ada sufficient saving for future. Uwaaaa why la I tak start earlier???

Semoga Allah berikan kesihatan kepada kami satu family, after the loss.. hati tak tenang betul kalau ada my family member sakit or masuk hospital.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mari undi kami!! Dan join contest kami!

1)Help us to win Bodyshop items!!!

Begini ceritanya, kan entri yang lepas adalah berkenaan tangan gatal nak masuk pertandingan gambar lompat-lompat. Rupanya gambar kami tu dah terpilih dalam Top 50. Maka kami memerlukan undi kamu.. kamu.. kamu... iye, kamu juge.. kamu lagi.. kamu... dan kamu!

Gambar yang dipertaruhkan:

Gambar ni masa honeymoon di Langkawi. Kalau sekarang suruh lompat mcm ni dengan berat lebih 10kg dari biase... It's a big NO! Plus kalau lompat, terangkat baju nampak pule 'tatu' selepas bersalin... ;p

Ok berbalik kepada cerita mengundi, MARILAH MENGUNDI BERAMAI-RAMAI YE!!!! (buat muka Pussycat yang comel dalam cite Shrek)

Senang je nak undi..

Go to this link:

Cari no 43. 43 tawwwww.. jangan yang lain pule!
Click kat radio button sebelah nama saye tu - FFTF 043 `BaHa` then click button Vote.
2)Contest Emak Amir Nak Menang
Bukan itu sahaja, anda juga dijemput buat entry berkenaan participance saya ni dan ajak rakan2 blogger, follower etc vote saya - You stand a chance to win one of the Bodyshop item (Kalau Saya Menang Hadiah Bodyshop From Organizer Lah Yer). First prize nya worth RM100 nyah.. harusle banyak itemnya kan.. Nanti mak pilih lah satu bagi kat uolls.
Link your entry kat comment post ni.. Entry sapa yang paling banyak blogger lain comment yang mengatakan dia dah vote maka dialah pemenangnya ok!
Silah vote ye!
Yang penuh harapan,
Emak Amir

Mommies Commitee


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