Friday, December 16, 2011

The Malaysian Women's Weekly Makes It Happen 2012: Meeting Stylist

On top of the prizes that I'm entitled to as the winner of Fashion category, Malaysian Women's Weekly magazine is generous enough to offer me a consultation session with a stylist from Debenhams. I went to meet him at Debenhams Lot 10 this morning. I thought the session would be just a discussion, good enough I had the chance to try few dresses and they advise me on how should I dress up. And see what kind of clothing that suits me best.

This is seriously fun. But it's over! ;p

Sorry ye Amir, mommy in the limelight kejap...

I selalu reject idea to wear a skirt, too feminine and I think I don't look good in it..

Vintage shoes. Yang ni mungkin nak beli.

They said in this dress I looked more mature. Na, I want to be forever young ;p

Dress for dinner. Which xtau bila nak pakai kalau beli kan..


 I heart this so much!! Not too fancy neither too plain. Boleh pakai dengan legging.

They asked me to pick the best two for Saturday event. So I chose the first red shirt and vintage skirt and the last one. Ok lah kot ek...

Walaubagaimanapun, tak pasti nak beli dress-dress tu atau tak. Voucher nya RM1000 tapi kalau dress more than RM250, dapat berapa helai je nanti. Being typical me, shirt and pant are fine :)  Sure mamat tu menyesal bagi advice macam-macam he he he. But they're very helpful though.. and I am so thankful  :)

*Wanita berdiri di tengah itulah watak sebenar. Gambar yang kat atas2 tu palsu belaka ;p

10 comments on "The Malaysian Women's Weekly Makes It Happen 2012: Meeting Stylist"

Mawar on December 15, 2011 at 12:00 AM said...

U look gorgeous as always...:)

Anonymous said...

SKIRT TU cantik sgt yang!

Nur on December 15, 2011 at 12:17 AM said...

thanks kak aisyah ;)

fiszah, tula i like the color. tapi kan mcm tak minat je pakai skirt hmm

MyRule on December 15, 2011 at 1:06 AM said...

Hi kakak cantik.. :)

I suka pic no 1 n 2.. :P

Nur on December 15, 2011 at 1:18 AM said...

kakak??? Hehehe sampai hati ;p

siapa anak nak masuk 2, dia yang kakak ok? ;p
*ibu mengandung jgn marah2

Siti Fatimah on December 15, 2011 at 1:25 AM said...

canteks especially picture no.1 so feminine suka! btw u pakai apa pon looks nice & gorjes :D

xente@eyka on December 15, 2011 at 4:23 PM said...

saya nak kasut tu jugakkkkkk..jangan lupakan xente bila shopping nti!

Dira Isa on December 15, 2011 at 6:27 PM said...

i think the second one tu sgt suit u, nmpak mudooo plus plus. ngehehe~

MyRule on December 15, 2011 at 7:02 PM said...

hahaa... x marah... :)

U jgn tgk word KAKAK tu..tgk word CANTIK...:)

farahfad on December 19, 2011 at 5:44 PM said...

I loike the first one~
nampak mcm bree in desperate housewives gitu..tggl nak kaler merah je rambut tu

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