Thursday, July 15, 2010

I call it art: Stretch Marks

Almost every one who is pregnant shares the same concern : stretch marks.

Walaupun bukanlah satu isu 'hidup atau mati' tapi it is important to women because it can affect their body image and self-confidence. Memang tak dinafikan perempuan ni sangatlah obsess dan stress kalau ada calar sikit kat muka apetah lagi wrinkles, pigmentation, acne ah u name it!

So bila pregnant pulak since your skin is expanding as your body is expanding, and it has something to do with your hormones where chemical reaction happens, the elastic supportive tissue just beneath the skin surface starts to break down bla.. bla.. bla.. bla.. and TADAAAAAA.... stretch marks!

Ayat sedapkan hati: stretch marks are evidence that you have been blessed with a child.

Tapi, macamane pulak kita nak been blessed with a husband kalau ada 'design batik' di bahagian badan? Lebih-lebih lagi 'di situ'.Masa mula-mula kahwin dulu abang tak perasan pun ada corak itu. Oh, abang.. inilah namanya added value (lagipun abanglah penyebabnye). NOT!

Risau. For sure. Memang is not all about great things being pregnant. Despite rasa fatigue, nausea which are temporary, stretch marks maybe permanent stick to our body. Risau nyah, body nak pakai lame.

So common advice yang kita dapat is to avoid strech marks from early pregnancy, kalau dah ada memang susah nak make them disappear. Orang kata pakai cream cocoa butter awal2 even before the belly grows.

My experience, after dah confirm pregnant during first checkup terus pergi beli cocoa butter, i bought Pureen brand. Semangat la katakan, and of course memang kalau boleh nak get rid of stretch marks ni. Oleh itu, hari-hari sapu on my belly.

Masa 4 bulan, perut masih seperti sedia kala tapi I noticed ada jalur2 merah at buttocks and thighs. Walapun baru beberapa jalur tapi risau towards the ends jalur2 itu lebih banyak lagi dari jalur gemilang.

After that, I beli Bio Oil and apply on daily basis. Now no longer use cocoa butter, Bio Oil sahaja.

Now at month 7, dekat belly masih belum (harap2 tidak ada) ada tanda2 strech marks lagi. On the other two parts, masih ada stretch marks tapi takla bertambah. Nampak sama je macam masa 4 bulan. Puas hati jugak guna Bio Oil, ini mungkin perasaan saye hihi - stretch marks nampak seperti reducing or at least tak la worsen. Bila pakai Bio Oil, kulit pun tak kering so kurang rasa gatal2, according to friend of mine.. masa dia pregnant, perut sangat la gatal dan dia selalu garu kuat2 sebab syok ;p maka ada corak cakar harimau di perut sehingga ke hari ini. Haishhh, risau.

So my advice, silalah apply cocoa butter or any oil bukan sahaja di perut tapi di bahagian2 yang berkemungkinan tggi untuk ada stretch marks like thighs, hips, buttocks, breasts and arms – there is still no fool-proof method for preventing stretch marks. However, these are the things you can do to minimise the effect of stretch marks, help the skin recover better, and help you feel more comfortable.

Suami, sila lah terima isteri mu ini seadanya.. isk isk..

*No pic will be posted, mak tak sanggup nyah tengok mendalah tu huhu..

5 comments on "I call it art: Stretch Marks"

Ainul Mustafa on July 15, 2010 at 8:17 PM said...

ainul mmg guna bio oil dr mula lg.Alhamdulillah doctor pun puji perut kita bkn riak bgs guna bio oil ni.

ZARA on July 15, 2010 at 8:32 PM said...

to make u fell better, i takda anak lagi dah ada stretch marks. sbb kejap gemuk kejap kurus. this info helps me jugak lah... thanks.

Nur on July 15, 2010 at 8:49 PM said...

ainul, i pun rasa Bio oil bagus.. dari mula asyik apply kat perut je tak sapu kat bahagian lain maybe sebab tu kat other parts tu ade hehe

zara, try la Bio oil babe.. highly reccomended!

Dina Zakaria on July 15, 2010 at 9:12 PM said...

hehe..corak batik ey??cam comel bunyi nyer..
alhamdulillah, so far i pun belu granted with that corak batik kat perut..tapi jaga gak laa..sapu losyen every night..tapi i sapu johnson baby far, memuaskan lagi..=)

Nur on July 15, 2010 at 9:18 PM said...

deena, comel didengar tapi tidak comel dilihat ;p

bestnye kalau takde langsung kan hehe we wish!

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