Monday, March 21, 2011

Bila anda tidak suka apa yang anda lihat

Ever since ada blog, facebook, twitter etc Most of us usually share apa kita buat hari ni, apa kita beli, apa kita ada, apa kita fikir, di mana kita berada. Logiknya scenario ni.. Giving others too much information. I personally think it is. But it becomes a trend now, if u don't u seems outdated. And if u do, u put urself in a risk - those who like it and on the other hand those who hate.

It's really oppose our way of life before kita kenal fb, blog etc. Dulu, kalau ada kawan-kawan tanya 'eh ko beli bag XXX eh.. Bestnya! Berapa ringgit ko beli?' If dulu, kite jawab 'eh tak lah..' 'Ala murah je kat PS' Very humble aren't we?

Sekarang? Snap a picture maka tersebar luas lah information pasal handbag baru anda. The price as well. Kan dah kata picture tells a thousand words. Well, handbag tu contoh sahaja boleh ditukar dengan item lain. And entry ni bukan untuk mengata sesiapa honestly. Diri sendiri pun mungkin pernah buat something yang membuatkan orang terfikir kita menunjuk. But whether or not kita menunjuk bergantung pada diri sendiri. We can lie people 'eh mana ada aku menunjuk' but u cannot lie yourself.

Entry ini juga peringatan diri sendiri sebab kita senang saje bila nampak sesuatu and judge, what if orang lain pun do the same thing to us. Unfair bukan? Bila fikir-fikir balik dlm keadaan information on ur fingertips ni macam mana kita nak share information tapi tidak menimbulkan riak atau prasangka? Say u're helping others by reviewing some brands. I think it can be done bila u do ur writings properly so it sounds sincere. Tapi bukan senang. Like buku memoir Dr M, it took 8 years nak siap sbb he tak nak tulis something like his personal achievement. So what we can do? We're not even a writer. We're just an individual yang intention nya nak share our moments as nobody.

Confuse kan. Hari-hari tengok status, baca entry kadang-kadang kita rasa 'wah siap harga' Tapi bila baca caption takde kena mengena pulak dgn harga. Sebagai manusia biasa, senang je kita terfikir yang bukan-bukan. Tapi fikir balik, mungkin dia tak maksudkan begitu. Not sure of how we can handle such situation. You are entitled your opinion.

I think it's very important to think positive about others. (I'm still trying) rather than thinking what they do is to show off maybe I should take that as a reminder; Don't do that because it's stupid.

Yup peeps, don't rush yourself into making judgment. Did I made any here? ;p

Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone

5 comments on "Bila anda tidak suka apa yang anda lihat"

AdamSofiya :) on March 21, 2011 at 9:07 PM said...
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AdamSofiya :) on March 21, 2011 at 9:07 PM said...

haha, setuju2...
skang sume pon mesti nak snap and publish..

kengkadang niat di hati nak share but org laen pk laen plak.. ish3

Mrs Nageb on March 21, 2011 at 9:28 PM said...

huhuhuhuhuhuhu..memang pun..

syud on March 22, 2011 at 6:38 AM said...

we should buy things sebab kita suka, bukan sebab nak letak kat blog/fb etc. it's like a trend nowadays, balik shopping amek gamba beli apa.

fizanur on March 22, 2011 at 6:40 PM said...

memang pun, kadang2 letak gamba anak pun rasa cam nak nunjuk2 gak. rasa cam org kata, eleh, ingat anak dia je comei.." tapi sebenarnya tade niat pun. sekadar nak meriahkan FB. supaya nampak aktif. serba salah gak.

Masih bertahan, walau tak cukup tidur

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